Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mirror, Mirror...

Today I was wearing one of Jake's old hats.  He told me I looked good in it.  I responded by saying I hadn't worn it since college.  He then gets a sly grin and says, "The you now could kick the you then's ASS!"  Talk about a huge compliment.  And he is so right!  As of recently, I am stronger, I am faster, I get better sleep, I have more energy, I am more positive, I look great and I feel great!  It seems almost backwards.  I take more pride in my health and appearance then I did when I was hoping to catch a guys eye.  Lucky for me, I caught the eye of a guy who saw the diamond in the rough.

Recently I was working out with some amazing friends and I remarked as to how funny it was that we were in our middle-30's and getting in the best shape of our lives.  We are going to make the most of our lives and enjoy every moment of it.  Here's to the inner "hottie" in all of us, it's time to let her have some fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's my girl!!! Make time to reward yourself!!!!