Sunday, August 16, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

We are definitely make the most of what little summer we have left this year. Owen had a week of parties to celebrate turning 5! The friends party was at Pump It Up last Saturday. We had a family lunch after church on Sunday, followed with more presents. Tuesday afternoon, we went to a Pool Party to wish our friend Addie a Happy Birthday. On Wednesday, my birthday, Owen had to go to Dr. Nichols for his 5 year old check-up and to receive his Kindergarten shots. Daddy took him and he was so brave, they stopped at Target for a toy. That same day, we met Nana, R.J., G.G. and Nennie at Chuck E. Cheese for the final birthday shin-dig. And yes, he got MORE PRESENTS! Saturday, after Story Time (see other blog entry), my friend Amy took me to lunch for my birthday. That very afternoon we found ourselves back at Pump It Up for our buddy Carl's birthday party. What a crazy, busy, fun and exhausting week! We still have one week of summer left... keep your eyes open for the blogs to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kodak moments....Priceless!!!!
Busy blogs.....busy times!!!!