Thursday, July 18, 2019

A kind gesture

I've always believed be kind to everyone and kindness will come back to you.  Now I know that this isn't ALWAYS the case, but I live it anyway.

For example, there is a Starbuck's downtown that Jake would go to regularly on his way to work.  The baristas would recognize him by his order in the drive through.  Once in a while, I would get Jake his breakfast and bring it home to him.  So they got to know me as his wife, Carrie.  A select few of them I even got to know their names.

A week or so ago, Jake was going through the drive through and the clerk told him it was her last day.  She also said she had a card for us, but left it at her apartment.  She said she would leave it at the place for him to get the next time he went through.  It was an amazing gesture of appreciation for how we interacted with her.

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