Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 1-Spring Break

Today, Friday the 13th, was Owen's last day of school before Spring Break.  Allie was so excited she couldn't or wouldn't take a nap.  So after about an hour in her bed, I went in and got her and the kids decided to play at the kitchen table so I could get important stuff done.  Like this blog!  I had to take a few shots of how wonderful they are at this age to work independently and encourage each other from across the table.  Below is a blip of dialogue.

Owen: "That's a really good job, Baby."
Allie: "Mmmhmm.  Thanks, Bubba."
Owen: "What do you think of my dragon?"
Allie: "Grrrrr!  I like it!"
Owen: "Thanks, Baby."

I wonder how long I have until the bickering starts?

1 comment:

Julie said...

Very Sweet! I love that Owen calls Allison, Baby!