Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Let me just start by saying this isn't my baby going from a crib to a twin bed.  We did that a long time ago.  She even upgraded when we thought we were moving to Nashville to a loft twin bed.  However, this daughter of ours is NOT vertically challenged.  She is 5'7" at 12 1/2 years old.  She looked like a GIANT sleeping in her loft twin bed.

Since we moved to Spokane, she has gotten a bigger room than before.  I have been trying to convince her to move to a full sized bed so that she has room.  She always said "NO".  Until about a week ago.  We got online and ordered her a platform full sized bed and a temper-pedic full sized mattress.

The first step to this improvement, she and I had to disassemble her loft bed and put it in storage.  Then I had her start going through all of her shelves and clothes.  She put several totes of books and toys into the basement.  We also donated several things.

Then the bed frame was delivered.  I was pleasantly surprised as to how easy it was to put together.  Her mattress was coming a few days later, so she slept on her twin mattress on the full frame.  Finally, the day came!  Her new BIG GIRL BED was complete.

Last night was her first night on it.  She actually hung out on her bed for about 3 hours yesterday before bedtime.  Owen even flopped on it and declared he would like one!!!  (This was my next mission.)  She said this morning that she slept GREAT!!!

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