Saturday, August 17, 2019

Camp Fire Camp Sweyolakan 2019

On August 11, our kids went on a week long camp in Couer d'Alene, Idaho.  This was the first time they went to a camp that I didn't attend as a counselor.  I was both excited and nervous for them.  I made sure their bags were packed and they would have everything they would need.  The funny fact about this, I was under the impression they were going to be returning on August 15.  When we dropped them off at the bus, the counselor told us to be at the same parking lot at 11:30 on Friday for pick up!!!!  The kids didn't hear this news, but we just said a prayer that everything would be ok when we returned on Friday to pick them up.

THEY LOVED IT!!!!!  I don't know where to begin with all their stories.  Allie slept in a tree house.  Owen slept in a teepee.  They both made new friends.  Owen's tribe won second place in a creative song competition.  Allie ranked level 1 in archery.  Neither of them are burnt by the sun, ate enough to survive and grew about 2 inches.  I'm so glad we are here in Washington where they are able to have these experiences.

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