Wednesday, November 6, 2019

SNOW DAY...In October?!?!

This was the view at 6 am on October 9, 2019.  We had heard there was a chance of snow, but assumed it wouldn't stick...or cause so many issues.  As the sun began to rise, we saw what happens when heavy snow falls onto trees that have not lost their leaves yet!  Lots of branches had fallen and we even lost a tree. Then the notifications came that school was canceled due to power lines down and lots of people without power. Thankfully, we didn't lose our power once. But we did have some cleaning up to do over the next few days.

Another blessing was how quickly the city responded to help. By lunch time they had come down our street and collected not only the fallen branches, but removed our split tree. My mom didn't have any power, so the kids and I took her to lunch and shopping.  This "snow day" was definitely a memorable day!

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