Friday, February 22, 2019

Wisdom teeth...removed!

About a month ago, the kids went to the dentist.  They discovered that Owen had a baby molar that was stuck between two permanent molars and wouldn't come out.  Because of this, the permanent tooth was starting to rotate.  So they sent us to an orthodontist.

They told us his bottom teeth were very crowded due to his bottom wisdom teeth developing sideways.  So they sent us to an oral surgeon to have the 4 wisdom teeth removed and the baby molar.  They want us to come back and get him braces.  We will see...

At the oral surgeon consult he told us that there was a chance he wouldn't need braces after the wisdom teeth came out and stopped pushing on the teeth.  YEAH!!!  So we scheduled an appointment to have his teeth removed.  That was today.

Owen was very nervous but put on a very brave act for me.  We walked into the office and checked in.  Then they called him back.  I went with him to put his nerves at ease.  He started panicking and wanted to leave.  The nurse was great.  She explained everything to him.  Another nurse came in, due to the crying and a little screaming.  She suggested we just get the IV started as soon as he breathed in some of the gas.  This took a little while as he wouldn't put it over his nose.  After a few minutes, we got him to calm down enough and take a few deep breaths with the gas.  That did it.  Then they put in the IV needle.  I left at that point, since they were about to sedate him.

About 15 minutes later, the receptionist informed me that he was in recovery and I would be called in about 15 minutes.  Right on time, they buzzed me to pull my car around to talk with the nurse about meds, care and time frame and she helped me walk Owen to my car.

I drove by and got him Panera Mac and Cheese, then to Walgreen's to get more gauze and his meds.  I was a little nervous about him having to swallow pills (it's a struggle).  But by the time we got home, the anesthesia was starting to wear off and he was starting to feel discomfort.  So I encouraged him to take his first pill.  HE DID!  He also took his antibiotic as well.  I will have him on a every 3 hour rotation of pain pill and Advil to help with discomfort.  But I think he's going to do AMAZINGLY!!!

Today, he is a man!

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