Saturday, January 19, 2019

Chuck the Chicken

Owen is a freshman at Lewis and Clark High School.  This is the FIRST year he has shown ANY interest in school spirit.  Our rival school is Ferris High School.  The 2 schools have a contest to see who wins "Chuck The Chicken".  That's right!  He's a rubber chicken.  The contest contains 3 parts.  Boys Basketball Game winner, Girls Basketball Game winner and Spirit at both games winner.

Each year the school decides on a theme for spirit week.  They have 2 shirts made for each student to purchase.  They try to create a routine/cheer/show for between the games to show their team spirit.  This year's theme was "Chuck Hits Hollywood".  Spirit week included students dressing in all white one day (like Marilyn Manroe), dressing in all black one day (paparazzi) and comfy day (pjs).

Unfortunately, we lost Chuck to Ferris High School this year.  But my son, who has NEVER dressed up for spirit week, actually knew what the days were and dressed accordingly to them.  He even bought the spirit shirts.

Me being the creative brain, have been coming up with some ideas for future year themes.

1. Chuck of Oz-it would be based on "The Wizard of Oz".  They could have grade level competition where each grade was a character.
2. Chuck's Day Off-it would be based on "Ferris Beuler's Day Off".  Since Ferris is our rival, I thought that was funny.  We could also have a mash up routine like the parade scene where they start with Danka Shane and switch to Twist and Shout.  They do have 2 different shirts.
3. Chuck In Time-it would be based on "Back to the Future".  Each day of spirit week could be a decade. 80's. 70's. 60's. Wild West. Futuristic.

I know I'm not the deciding party for this, but I thought I would put some of my ideas down just in case someone asks.

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