Friday, January 18, 2019

Plans change...

Happy New Year!  I'm not one to make resolutions, but I do focus on a word for the year.  Ironically, last year was "change".  Little did I know just how much my life would change.  This year, my word was borrowed from Jake.  He wants to focus on "roots".  I like this a lot, since we have basically uprooted our family to a new time zone.

The best part about focusing on just a word for the year, is there isn't any disappointment from failed resolutions.  In fact, you get to see how God will take one word and morph all aspects of your life for good with one word.

Allow me to elaborate.

This week, Jake and I had planned on taking a trip to Cabo.  We had never traveled outside of the country before and even got out passports to make it possible.  However, our travel day was probably one of the hardest days we've had in a long while.  By the time we reached Cabo baggage claim, we both decided to cut our losses and buy tickets home.

I had thought this trip would be a fun get away with Jake to just hangout and explore a new environment.  But God wanted us to strengthen our relationship roots and forced us to have some conversations that hadn't been able to happen before.  We finished our 23 hour travel day by sleeping in our guest bed, exhausted but very much in love with each other and feeling like we were suppose to stay in Spokane during this week.

By staying, we were able to attend Owen's Jazz and Band concerts.  Jake and I went on dates with the kids.  I got started planning the Spring Break schedule for my next trip.  And my sister is now booked to come see us in May.

Sometimes it's the little things that add up to a bigger focus.  This week, we were able to build our roots as a family.

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