Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Kid at Heart!

I'm not sure if this some sort of mid-life crisis, but I'm addicted to Legos.

I'm not talking the cheesy set of Friends, Batman or Disney Princess ones.

I'm referring to the Creator Collections.  The ones that are over $200 each set.  That are probably 15-20 cumulative hours of work invested in each set.  They build on each other to create an AMAZING city scape.  Every detail included to make a fantasy world you can both build and escape too.

This past week I got the latest set that was released on January 1.  It's the Corner Garage.  This quaint gas station included a second floor vet clinic and a penthouse apartment.  I love these sets.  I love that my husband encourages me to spend both the money and time on these nuggets of joy for me.

There isn't a real purpose behind these, but the fact that I enjoy the process.  I only build them once, but I will gladly take you on a tour of my Lego City whenever you visit.  I'll even show you the pool hall and flower shop.


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