Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gift Giving, Rule #1

When choosing gifts for others, pick something that you would like to receive.

I was taught this rule while growing up and it always seemed to work. So I passed the knowledge of "perfect gift-giving" on to my kids. This however, did not go as planned.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

The above pictures show a darling little girl playing dress up and having a blast. What the pictures don't tell is that the make-up kit was for a friend's birthday present! Here is how it went down.

Our friend, Addie, is having a party in less than 2 weeks. I thought we could get the present taken care of early and I let her pick it out. This wonderful box was wrapped in plastic and had a colorful picture showing what all the goodies inside looked like. My daughter wanted to stare at the picture all the time. It was almost as if she was memorizing the contents. I kept reminding her not to open it. That it was for her friend. "I KNOW! I KNOW!" was the common response. Then she'd follow it with the explanation that she planned to ask Santa for one for her. I go and work on some laundry...15 minutes later...I go and check on the kids. There I find Allie! With the case open, lip gloss on, rings on, plastic wrapper everywhere and hair in clips. I try to remain calm and ask her why she did it. She tells me we can still give it to her friend. (The handle to the case was broken off. It appears someone got over zealous when opening it!) I tell her I will have to buy another one for Addie. She smiles and says, "Great! I'll keep this one!"

Some how I think that was her plan all along!!!!


ozartink said...

The best laid plans.....sometimes go awry.......I think that in time....you will be able to bring this to her attention in a way that sets her down at her level....to think she has one upped you...is premature.....

Emz said...

I loved this.

Thanks for sharing.

So adorable!

Got to LOVE girls. Sugar and spice . . .

Angie said...

smart kid

Kristen Starr said...

Well, it is super neat. I'd have trouble not opening it myself. "Some girls" are just drawn to lip gloss like it's crack.