Sunday, August 23, 2009


This morning I was baptized! I wish I could explain in words how I am feeling and what I was feeling in that moment. Some people have compared it to being "born again". Other's have said it is like "getting a clean slate". I have to say, I don't quite feel like that. The closest thing I can compare to this, is my wedding day. I was excited, nervous, happy, wet (it rained on my wedding day) and surrounded by those I care about. Some of you weren't able to make it, but you were still with me. I feel like it is now publicly known, like a wedding ring, that Jesus is my savior. It doesn't mean that I am perfect or I know how to live my life anymore than the next person. However, I know that even though my life on Earth will be temporary, my soul will be eternally be in heaven with God. Life might have it's ups and downs, but I know that he is with me and I am not going through it alone.

The best part about today, Jake was baptized right beside me in the pool. We locked arms and did it together. Just like on our wedding day. We vowed to be there for each other richer or poorer, sickness and health. Now we have vowed to be waiting for each other in heaven, when that day comes. And until that day comes, our life will be a blessing. We will enjoy the gifts we've been given and continue to thank the one who gave them to us.


Unknown said...

Lovely, Carrie. Congratulations.

jolyn said...

It was so moving to watch you and Jake be baptized today, Carrie. It was beautiful and it was a privilege.

ozartink said... leave me speechless.....but you always make me proud..... a milestone in your life as well as Jake's. Awesome that you did it much more meaning and inspiration! Setting the bar for your children as well as family and friends! Thank you for sharing so many ways!