Saturday, February 19, 2011


(This picture is from 2003 trip to Smithsonian)

Have you ever had one of those weeks, where NOTHING special happens. It's slow and steady, everything is running smooth. Well, we've had a week like that (which is good before our trip next week). There was NOTHING to post, until yesterday (teddy bears, ice show, good behavior) but they'll have to wait! I had an idea of what to post today and NOTHING is going to get in my way. Here is the post.

TOMORROW!!! Tomorrow, the kids and I will be catching a plane and flying to Wichita, Kansas. We will be there for an entire week. We are so EXCITED! We've been packed for about 3-4 days. I'm a little nervous about traveling with the kids alone, but more anxious to get there and see family and friends. It will be a BUSY week, but a fun one! I won't be able to post any of the events of the visit until I get back. But get ready for a long series of posts starting in March!!! Until then, I will end with a quote from a favorite movie.

"There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like HOME!" (I'm clicking my heels together.)


Sunnye and RJ said...

After your stay in Boston I feel that you will be able to handle anything that life throws to you.

Sunnye and RJ said...

Looking forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday.

peanut3762 said...

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" A high pitched squeal of unadulterated, unfiltered, glee.