Monday, April 22, 2019

Spring Break Highlights-part 4

Wednesday, April 3 the kids and I met Rachel James at a new breakfast place.  The food was good, the company was great!  We even tried one of the restaurant's homemade pop tarts.

Owen had taken orders for lunch to be delivered to Andover High School, so I picked up Wendy's for 5 of his friends and dropped it all off with Owen to hang out over the lunch period.  I got to meet for lunch at Ziggy's with Karla Stinson.  I love catching up on everything new with Newspring and my church family.  Karla's daughter will be getting married this fall, she informed me I am on the guest list.  There is another reason to make a trip back to Kansas.  After lunch I picked Owen up and we hung out at the apartment for a while.

Then for dinner we met our friends the Brumley's at BJ'S.  It seemed fitting since that was the place where we ate before moving to Washington.  Their daughter Penelope is just over a year old and full of personality.  We missed them, but had a good time catching up.

By the time we got home, the kids were worn out.  So they got ready for bed and I visited with Shandy.  Then we got the surprise, our friend Kris stopped by to visit for an hour.  This was something we were hoping would work out, but didn't know for sure.

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