Sunday, March 27, 2011

Training-Week 1

I ran 7 miles around Fresh Pond.

As Jake said, "I've got both feet in this training now!" I finished my first week of training today with a 7 mile run. Other than being a little cold for the first mile, it was perfect. I ran the 7 miles in 1:20. I was trying to get my feel for a 13 minute pace, so when the miles get higher I will know how fast to run. We had a busy schedule this past week, but I was still able to get two more runs in and two pain train workouts in. Now comes the best part of today, Jake and I are going on a date. Our friends the Beans are going to watch/feed the kids for us tonight. Jake has been working TONS of hours lately and since he is off we are going North Shore for some "real Italian" food. If you know me, you know I LOVE food. I am really looking forward to tonight!!! (I should celebrate every week of training with GOOD FOOD!)

1 comment:

ozartink said...