Tuesday, November 27, 2018


After moving to the PNW (Pacific North West) I knew I would see lots of wildlife.  Little did I realize just how many different animals I would see in the short 3 1/2 months I've lived here.

There are the South Hill Turkeys that meander from yard to yard from August-October.

I've seen several deer and even a buck on separate occasions and locations.  On an early morning walk, we saw a skunk (I've never seen one alive before) and both parties decided to leave the other one alone.  A fox trotted through the front yard of a house next to where I parked outside Allie's school.

I think an elk was casually chewing grass next to the yoga studio parking lot.

Jake even got a video of a mommy moose and calf as they were walking out of the dog park.  Luckily the dogs didn't notice!

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