Sunday, August 19, 2018

Not a good liar

So as I said yesterday, there was a stress peak that I will confess now.

Our closing date was to be the 27th for the YELLOW house.  We had scheduled movers to come on the 26-27 to load up our belongings.  On the 23rd, we received word that the check had been cut for our 401K loan.  We were hoping to have it by the 25th, so we could deposit it and wire it to the title company.

I am in full on packing mode this whole week.  When Wednesday comes, I am in ripped up shorts and very sweaty getting more boxes filled and ready to send the next day.  After lunch I go and check the mail.  No check.  I get a text from my Spokane agent asking if it came.  I told her no.  She then calls me panicked.  She informs me she will call the mortgage company to see if they have any ideas. I continue to pack.  About 30 minutes later I get a call from Bryan at Movement Mortgage.  He gives me specific instructions which I write down.

  • Go to a close bank
  • Ask for a Signature Loan or a Home Equity Loan
  • The amount of the loan is $38,500
  • I need this loan by tomorrow, so it can be wired to the title company by Friday
I start to panic, but I think I'm handling it all well.  I grab my keys and head to the Community Bank down the street.  I walk in, looking like a crazy lady, and say I need a loan.  They direct me to Nolan. I go into his office, sit down and proceed to read off my little note sheet.

He tells me the Home Equity loan will take 5-10 days.  I scratch that.  He then asks me if we own our cars.  I say yes and he asks me what kinds they are.  My mind blanks.  I pull out my insurance cards and hand them to him to read.  He types some things into his computer.  He tells me I can get an vehicle collateral loan on the Toyota and BMW for the amount needed and we can get it by tomorrow.  I almost cry with relief, but keep it together.

I start filling out paper work and he asks me, "$38, this for a car?"  My mind is a mess and the only thing I get out of my mouth is "YES".  WHAT????  I guess I thought if I started telling him this whole crazy story I would lose it in his office.  A few minutes later, he asks me what kind of car am I getting.  I kid you not, I stopped writing and all I could think to say was, "A BIG CAR."  WHAT???? I couldn't even think of a type of car on the spot.  He asks me where I am getting it from and I reply, "Augusta.  That's that way, right?"  And I point in a random direction.  Thankfully, that's the last of the interrogation.  As I finish the paperwork, he tells me the money will be ready by lunch tomorrow and we can wire it then.  I barely walk out believing I was able to solve this problem.  I text my agent to let her know the money will be there tomorrow.

I get in the car and start sobbing from the stress.  By the time I get home, my conscious is heavy with guilt from lying.  I decide to call back early the next morning and tell Nolan the whole story.

I wish I could say that was the end of that, but the next morning would prove to be more than today.

To Be Continued...

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