Saturday, December 11, 2010


Today, our friends Maddi and Kris invited us to meet them at this puppet theater in Brookline. So we loaded up the car and met them at the Puppet Showplace. They were showing the story, Rumpelstiltskin. It was very entertaining, and we even got to go for free! A doctor that Jake works with gave us a gift certificate for 4. We might have to check them out again later in the year.

Outside the place.

Our tickets

There was a mini puppet theater in the lobby the kids played with.

Allie put on a show for Maddi.

Maddi put on a show for Allie.

Owen was checking out the finger puppets.

Inside the theater.

Our fun crew.

1 comment:

ozartink said...

Entertainment comes in so many different packages....and presents
so many opportunities for it to be so much more.....You have such a talent for discovering them!