Sunday, May 1, 2011

Express Yourself

We are back on-line! We don't have Wi-Fi, but our connection is good. Now I get to catch you all up. On Thursday, we went to an Art Show. This isn't too strange, there are tons of galleries in Boston/Cambridge. This one, was put on by Owen's school. They rented out a gallery and the art teacher from his school selected about half of the student population to be represented.

The program

Owen was one of the "lucky" ones to be displayed. The funny thing is all week he was telling me about some sculpture he did, that he didn't like, would be on shown. Needless to say, we were all surprised to see a self-portrait painted by him.


Of course, being a school function, we are starting to run into friends. It's going to be sad when we move back. We secretly hope that some of our close friends decide to take a brief trip to Wichita/Kansas.

A.J. and Owen (notice how they are both tilting their heads?)

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