Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hurry up... and WAIT!

I am very much a PLANNER! Ask anyone. I love to organize and plan and make lists and schedule and coordinate and be bossy :) and get things done! However, I've had to not only step out of my comfort zone... I'll be changing Time Zones. Over the last 15 months I've been getting myself and my family ready for a year long adventure to Boston. We opened a savings account and religiously put money in it every month to help fund this excursion. I've been arranging what pieces of furniture we will take and what will be left. Our apartment search was strictly on line, sight unseen. We are still waiting to find out which school my son will be going to. We are going to become a 1 car family, and that's even if we drive it very much. My kids are both going through a major growth spurt, so I'll be buying all new clothes when we get there. So I'm slowing bagging up and donating the clothes we have now. I just want to blink my eyes and be there. Have my son in school. Have my daily schedule. To know where to buy groceries, get gas, mail packages. Enjoying all the cool sights, experiences and day trips that my kids and I will look back and think fondly of. But I have to wait... until Monday. Then I'm driving my 2 kids and my sister 1600+ miles to get this party started.

1 comment:

ozartink said...

good things come to those who wait...patience is a virtue....but at times like these...anticipation and butterflies override the rest....