Saturday, January 15, 2011

AJ's Party

This afternoon we had a birthday party to attend for our friend AJ. The kids had fun and I think we are actually building a small crew that gets along really well. The boys are all in the same class and 2 of them have little sisters near Allie's age. The parents are very friendly and have both offered to babysit for us and invited us out for "girls night" and "boys night". I foresee lots of get together events in our future.

Jonas, AJ, Grant and Elias

Jayln and Owen

Ava and Allie

Allie and Jayln

Birthday Boy making his big wish.

The crew after playing, opening presents, cake and ice cream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a neighborhood in process....being assimilated into the community.....a natural for you and your family.