Saturday, September 15, 2018

First Day of a NEW school

Back in February, Owen and I had to pre-enroll him as a freshman at AHS.  We even did several of the steps to plan the remaining 3 years of his high school education.  Both of us felt confident that he would be getting the best education for high school.  Flash forward to now...

Owen enrolled "himself" as a freshman at Lewis & Clark (LC) High School a few weeks ago.  He chose Honors Geometry and Honors 9th English, Band and Jazz Band (which is a zero hour), AP European History, Health and Biology (he decided not to take an honors class for science).  This school houses 2000 students and is 4 stories tall.  They even have a field house that is connected to the main building via a covered walkway over the street.  The school is planning to build a third facility in the next 2 years to accommodate all the students.

Allie was REALLY looking forward to attending AMS.  She already knew the principal and several of the teachers, thanks to her brother and myself.  Her friends were talking about what they would hang in their lockers.  NOW she is attending Hutton Elementary School.  That's right, ELEMENTARY school.  In Spokane, Middle School is only 7th and 8th graders.  So Allie gets to stay one more year in grade school and I may get to be a room mom one more time.

I pray my kids make friends quickly and adjust to the new teachers/schools well.  Time will tell, but I have a good vibe about these two.

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