Monday, December 24, 2018

Gift 24


Not on Earth, but inside me.

Once upon a time, I was what some would call "high strung".  I stressed a lot about little.  I obsessively planned every day to the minute.  I sort of felt that my happiness was dependent on the happiness of those around me.  But then things changed.

I'm not exactly sure of the exact moment, but I started noticing things not mattering so much.  I was focusing on the moments that mattered not worrying about the "what ifs".  I began a more proactive way of planning, with the expectation that some plans aren't the ones I plan.

I can honestly say that today, Christmas Eve, I am thankful for the gift of inner peace.  I have the best days, because I keep my eyes open to the opportunities to make them great.  I don't push myself to make everyone around me happy first, I take care of myself and watch them do the same.

Inner PEACE.

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